Friday, June 23, 2006

Dave Chapelle's Block Party: Miles

To be honest, I was hoping for a little more of Dave's humor and less music, but that's the way it turned out. There is a lot of hip hop in this movie (as you might have guessed). I only recognized 2 songs in the whole movie (I am very unhip). The sound track does have a certain energy, though, that keeps things moving. Basically, Dave throws a block party in the middle of Brooklyn and invites a lot of people. I liked the humor and enjoyed the music. Grade B

Saturday, June 17, 2006

The Pink Panther: Miles

Go watch the original series of movies starring the great Peter Sellers. I didn't finish watching this one with Steve Martin, but it didn't seem to be getting any better as it went along. The physical comedy seemed tired. Grade F

Friday, June 02, 2006

Fun With Dick and Jane:Miles

This is a comedy that turns into a big political message. Jim Carey works for a company that sounds a lot like Enron. The company suddenly folds. Jim and wife (Tea Leone) are forced to cut corners and take on a life of crime. I think I'm developing a thing for Tea (she can hold me up anytime, Grrrrrr). Grade C.

Date Movie:Miles

The cover to the DVD said the script was written by 2 of the 6 writers of the "Scary Movie" movies, so I thought I'd give this a try. Bad choice. It's lame. How many spoofs of the fake orgasm scene from "When Harry Met Sally" have we already seen on TV and in other films? Don't waste your time. Grade D

The Ringer: Miles

Can there be humor in a film about a guy trying to "fix" the Special Olympics? Yes. I found this DVD to be rather funny. Johhny Knoxville's uncle has some great lines in this. As a bonus, there's a hot blonde chick in this, too. Grade B

Cheaper By The Dozen 2: Miles

I think I laughed maybe about 3 times while I watched this DVD. In other projects, I really like Eugene Levy and Steve Martin. They just can't seem to get this one going. As you watch this, you keep thinking, "Hmmmm, I seen this before...". Grade C