Sunday, March 19, 2006

Bad News Bears: Miles

Billy Bob Thorton is back. This time he's coaching a bunch of kids in the sport of baseball. This could have been called "Bad Santa 2". I enjoyed all the one-liners from Billy Bob. It's great to see him insult little kids. Grade B.

Zathura: Miles

This is Jumanji without as many yucks. I liked at the theater and on DVD. It's fun. Two brothers start playing a game and are sent into the galaxy to battle aliens, astroids and each other. Zak for "Punked" makes an appearance about half way through the film. Grade B.

The Brothers Grimm: Miles

This one was really hard to rent at the video store. I assumed that meant that it was good. I was wrong. It's a two hour fairy tale about 2 brothers battling a witch. The needs some serious chopping for time. I wasn't into any of the characters. Grade D.

Flight Plan: Miles

That Jodi Foster is an acting fool! I liked her in this, but I was having some trouble with the story. Her daughter has disappeared aboard some big ass airplane and nobody can recall if she was even there to begin with. It's a big cover up (sorry to ruin the movie). Grade C.

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire: Miles

As these films come out, I loose a little more interest in the series. A teenage Harry Potter is looking a little like John Lennon on Sgt. Pepper's. It's OK. The kids are getting older. I kept expecting them to sneek off and have a beer with Haggard. Grade C

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Curious George : bob lement

haiku movie review

Goofy Doofy Ted
Wears a Yellow Suit and Hat
Finds a Monkey