A Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy : bob lement
haiku dvd review
thumb pointed upwards
is only for the effort
not execution
Movie and other reviews from Miles Tidal and Bob LeMent of Static Radio. Listen to their weekly comedy audio show at http://www.staticradio.com.
haiku dvd review
haiku dvd review
Ok, you probably have already seen this one and heard all the reviews. Very funny stuff. The body waxing scene is classic. It has some great lines, too. I would put this one right up there with "Animal House" and "Caddy Shack". Grade A.
Does Bill Muarry have a 20 year old bastard son? I'm not telling. This is low key Bill at his best. Some perverts out there (i.e. Bob LeMent of Staticradio.com) will enjoy the brief full frontal female nudity. Others may enjoy the kooky neighbor that encourages Bill to check out the situation with his "son". I enjoyed last year's "Lost In Translation", so I guess I'm into this one, too. Grade B.
This a funny movie, although I didn't think it lived up to all the hype I heard on the street. I liked watching Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn scam the babes. Although I liked it, I felt as though I've seen some of this stuff done by the same guys in other movies. I suppose I'm still stuck on "Old School", one of my favorites from the past few years. A lot of topless shots. Nice. Grade B
You know, I always thought the original TV show was stupid. The movie is actually worse than the show. Why did I rent this? I watched about the first 30 minutes and then turned it off. From what I saw, it had no real laughs and Jessica Simpson is no Daisey Duke. Grade F
I wasn't going to rent this, but my wife's friend, Susan, told me this dvd was really funny. The bad news for me is that Susan is a complete mental patient. This movie sucks. Not even the great Eugene Levy can save this piece of shit. It does have a little T & A, but nothing else. Grade: F
Yes, I actually like this movie. It's not original, but I did like it better than last summer's "Kicking and Screaming". Martin Lawrence is a college coach who looses his job. His solution? He must prove himself by coaching junior high basketball. It's very predictable, but it's OK for kids to watch (if you have kids). My garde:C